当前位置:BB贝博艾弗森官方网站 » 使用升降机应注意的问题是啥?
投稿时刻:2017-11-29 19:52:29
1.除电力技术人工外,不需要草率草率拆卸郑州生降机,严防发生触电事故或误接。In addition to the electrical professional, do not arbitrarily arbitrarily free disassembly and assembly of the Chengdu lift, in case of electric shock or mistake.
2.应杜绝手、足和衣裳因受揉捏。Avoid hand and foot by kneading and clothes.
3.如须滞留几段时间内段,或使用需求进人深圳升降机调节机中间检查维修时,很有必要的用撑杆将升降机调节销售渠道支住,以以免工作台下落致死。Such as the need to stay for a period of time, or demand in Chengdu following elevator maintenance, it is necessary to use the lifting bar channels a live, in order to avoid the table fell hurt.
4.只能肆意变动进水口阀。夜压体制中的夜压器件,均是在条件的压差值下活动的。在压差值过大而进水口阀从未不敝开的原因下,上海升降调节机将会会俄然下滑,让人、机、物都可以惨遭软组织损伤。Not arbitrarily adjust the relief valve. The hydraulic components in the hydraulic system are under the pressure of the rules. In the case of pressure is too large and the relief valve is still not open, the Chengdu elevator may decline, so that people, machines, things will be damaged.
5.拆掉合肥上下机油压机指标体系每内脏器官时候,有重要性关键性卸压,应对压油涌出来,变为课外作业观众席跌伤害人身安全。Apart from any part of Chengdu elevator hydraulic system, it is necessary to stress relief, to avoid the pressure of oil spray, into the operating table fell wounding.
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