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篇文章产地 法律责任编辑器:admin 知名度:3753 说出時间:2017-11-29 19:57:28
成都市上下网络平台升举加速度不稳定性从直播 食用你看,三天两头发现上下跳动、增涨的区域较难加测找到中位、增涨的时有冲撞燥音、夜压缸渗油等问题.Chengdu lifting platform lifting speed is not stable from the use of the field of view, often rise and rise jitter, rising position is difficult to detect can not find the middle position, the rise of impact noise, hydraulic cylinder oil leakage and other phenomena. 1.经当场观察常见是东莞伸降油缸缸的提升流速过快,迫使出现问题率加入,情况严重影响力了工作生产率.伸降油缸缸提升流速不平衡的的诱因深入分析油缸缸提升流速不平衡的,其诱因较多,有设计的部分的、也存在生产加工制造和使用的部分的。The scene view is mainly Chengdu lifting hydraulic cylinder lifting speed too fast, resulting in the increase of failure rate, seriously affecting the efficiency of production. The reason of lifting speed lifting hydraulic cylinder stability analysis of hydraulic cylinder lifting speed is not stable, for many reasons, there are design, there are aspects of manufacture and use.   2.面向该气动体统留存的出现故障,采用快速钢度学说,深入分析升降系统气动缸举升机快速不平稳的理由。According to the faults of the hydraulic system, using the theory of velocity stiffness, the reasons for the instability of the lifting speed of the hydraulic cylinder are analyzed. 3.当电动机扭矩不便时,节流阀口进越小,则操作系统强度承载能力进越高;不然的话,若节流阀张嘴表面积越大,则进越低.When the load is constant, the throttle orifice into the smaller, the system speed stiffness into the higher; otherwise, if the throttle valve opening area, the lower the inlet. 4.当额定过载发生转变时,低转速下的加线速度强度系数好,当额定过载转变时,额定过载小的加线速度强度系数好.When the load is constant, the speed of the low speed is good. When the load changes, the speed of the load hour is good. 5.增长自己泵油压强减少夜压缸行之有效做用的面积,可增长自己高速度钢度.Increase the supply pressure to increase the effective area of the hydraulic cylinder, can improve the speed stiffness. 上述情况所论,引致广州升降架平台网站该故障率的通常病因是气动系统的提高自己调压二次回路设计方案属相相克理形成.In summary, the main reason for the failure of the Chengdu lift platform is the hydraulic system to upgrade the speed loop design is not reasonable.


