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发布时间段:2017-11-29 19:56:59
1.保压加温:润滑介质油并能将熱量运回来汽车机油箱再散发送至气氛中,这么,备件不对于温差过高。Cooling: the oil can be brought back to the heat engine oil tank and then distributed to the air, so that the parts are not too high temperature.
2.加脂减磨:柱塞和汽缸期间,绵阳升降平台机主轴电机和轴瓦期间均产生着如何快速的较为拖拽。Antifriction: lubrication between the piston and the cylinder, the lift shaft and bearing between Chengdu are relatively sliding fast.
3.封闭性能防漏:光滑油应该在气缸环与气缸当中转变成一些封闭性能圈,减轻混合气体的泄密和杜绝外物的污染问题物进人。Seal: lubricating oil can form a sealing ring between the piston ring and piston, reduce the gas leakage and prevent access to external contamination.
4.洗洗涤:好的湿润油要能将汽车发倾向零部件上污渍洗并带入液压油箱。保证各零部件外面光泽。Clean and clean: good lubricating oil can flush the dirt on the engine parts and bring back the oil tank. Maintain the surface finish of all parts.
5.减震缓冲区区:变成都伸降机打着机气阀口压力差激增下降,忽然急剧缸筒、缸筒屑、连杆和曲轴轴承型号套上的供电量不小,这一个供电量 轴承型号套的分享光滑,使能承受的突破供电量更好地发挥缓冲区区的帮助。Buffer: when Chengdu lifts the engine cylinder pressure rises sharply, suddenly intensified crumbs, piston and piston connecting rod and crankshaft bearing load, the load transfer through lubricated bearings, the impact load bearing play a buffer role.
6.防生锈防蚀:润滑剂油能吸咐在产品外层以防水、空气中、偏酸物料及有很大危害性气味与产品的排斥。Anti rust anti-corrosion: lubricating oil can adsorption on the surface of parts to prevent water, air, acidic substances and harmful gas and contact parts.
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